Pomegranate & White Wine Spritzer

Have you ever felt the need for a quick cocktail after a hard day’s work? To kick up your feet, empty your mind of all the noise, and just sip on a simple drink? We’ve got just the fix for this craving. You won’t need to look too far for the ingredients – just a few shiny pomegranate rubies, Big Banyan Chenin Blanc, a slice of lime and Sprite or soda water.

You’ll need:
– A handful of pomegranate rubies
– ¼ cup Big Banyan Chenin Blanc
– ¾ cup Sprite/soda water
– A slice of lime
– Ice (as needed)
– Sprigs of rosemary for garnish

How to fix it:
– In a cocktail glass or mason jar, add a few rubies of pomegranate. (You can muddle them a bit if you want your cocktail to be extra fruity.)
– Fill the glass with Big Banyan Chenin Blanc to about a quarter (or slightly lesser).
– Top it up with some Sprite (if you want the drink to be less sweet, add soda water).
– Add a slice of lime. And pour more Sprite.
– Drop in a sprig of rosemary, and let it sit for a few minutes. The flavours will seep in beautifully. Give it a gentle stir. And sip away.
– You can add a couple of ice cubes if the day’s too hot.

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